The night proceeds and dwindling Prepares the day's rebirth. An airman is ascending Above the sleeping earth. And almost disappearing In cloud, a tiny spark, He now is like a cross-stitch, A midget laundry-mark. Beneath him are strange cities, And heavy traffic-lanes, And night-clubs, barracks, stokers, And railways, stations, trains. The shadow of his wing-span Falls heavy on the cloud. Celestial bodies wander Around him in a crowd. And there, with frightful listing Through emptiness, away Through unknown solar systems Revolves the Milky Way. In limitless expanses Are headlands burning bright. In basements and in cellars The stokers work all night. And underneath a rooftop In Paris, maybe Mars Or Venus sees a notice About a recent farce. And maybe in an attic And under ancient slates A man sits wakeful, working, He thinks and broods and waits; He looks upon the pla