
Showing posts from May, 2014


He offered me a leaf like a hand with fingers. I offered him a hand like a leaf with teeth. He offered me a branch like an arm. I offered him my arm like a branch. He tipped his trunk towards me like a shoulder. I tipped my shoulder to him like a knotted trunk. I could hear his sap quicken, beating like blood. He could hear my blood slacken like rising sap. I passed through him. He passed through me. I remained a solitary tree. He a solitary man. ******* Nichita Stãnescu (Ploieşti, Romania, March 31, 1933 ~  Bucharest, Romania, December 13, 1983) ◙ Artwork: Vincent Van Gogh.


The greatest good is like water:       it benefits all life without being noticed. It flows even to the lowliest places       where no one chooses to be       and so it is very close to the Tao. It settles only in quiet locations. Its deepest heart is always clear. It offers itself with great goodness. It keeps its rhythm as it keeps its promises. It governs tributaries as it governs its people. It adapts to all necessities. It moves at the right moment. It never flaunts its goodness       and so it never attracts any blame. ******* 'Tao Te Ching'. Lao Tzu. Translation by Chao-Hsiu Chen. ◙ Rafał Borcz


Yo quiero ser llorando el hortelano de la tierra que ocupas y estercolas, compañero del alma, tan temprano. Alimentando lluvias, caracolas  y órganos mi dolor sin instrumento, a las desalentadas amapolas daré tu corazón por alimento. Tanto dolor se agrupa en mi costado, que por doler me duele hasta el aliento. Un manotazo duro, un golpe helado, un hachazo invisible y homicida, un empujón brutal te ha derribado. No hay extensión más grande que mi herida, lloro mi desventura y sus conjuntos y siento más tu muerte que mi vida. Ando sobre rastrojos de difuntos,  y sin calor de nadie y sin consuelo voy de mi corazón a mis asuntos. Temprano levantó la muerte el vuelo,  temprano madrugó la madrugada, temprano estás rodando por el suelo. No perdono a la muerte enamorada,  no perdono a la vida desatenta, no perdono a la tierra ni a la nada. En mis manos levanto una tormenta de piedras, rayos y hachas estridentes sedienta de catástrofes y hambrienta. Quiero escarbar la tierra con l


"For he is immortal and eternal. Now he is eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another." ******* The Sophia of Jesus Christ (Nag Hammadi Codices). ◙ George Richmond, "The Creation of Light" (1826).   ******* "Porque él es inmortal y eterno. Y dado que él es eterno, no ha tenido nacimiento, porque todo aquel que ha nacido perecerá. Él es ingénito, no ha tenido un principio; porque todo aquel que ha tenido un principio, tiene también un final. Dado que nadie tiene autoridad sobre él, él no tiene nombre, porque todo aquel que tiene un nombre es la creación de otro." ******* Códices de Nag Hammadi. Códice III:"La Sabiduría de Jesucristo".   ◙ William Blake, "Elohim Creating Adam" (1795-c.

The Divine Whole

What is to be done, O men of piety? For I do not recognize myself I am neither a Moslem nor a Hindu I am not Christian, Zoroastrian, nor Jew I am neither of the West nor the East Not of the ocean, nor an earthly beast I am neither a natural wonder Nor from the stars yonder Neither flesh of dust, nor wind inspire Nor water in veins, nor made of fire I am neither an earthly carpet, nor gems terrestrial Nor am I confined to Creation, nor the Throne Celestial Not of ancient promises, nor of future prophecy Not of hellish anguish, nor of paradisiacal ecstasy Neither the progeny of Adam, nor Eve Nor of the world of heavenly make-believe My place is the no-place My image is without face Neither of body nor the soul I am of the Divine Whole. *******   ✍ Yalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273): Poems from the Divan-I Shams-I Tabriz, c. 1270 CE ◙ Frede rick Goodall